Searching for world’s

  • Amazon, the world’s largest retailer, has exponentially grown throughout its 17-year history.
  • The computer, known as Tianhe-1A, has 1.4 times the horsepower of the current top computer, which is at a national laboratory in Tennessee
  • China’s notorious Great Firewall — or as they call it, the Golden Shield — is known for blocking some high profile sites. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are all victims. But that has not kept the world’s most populous country from getting into social networking. Some 500 million Chinese citizens are online and a quarter of the world’s social network users live under the firewall.
  • The world’s hottest selling tablet, the Apple iPad might have to be sold under a different name in China. According to reports online, Apple has lost a trademark dispute in China over the iOS tablet’s name and will have to pay up a hefty fine of about $1.5 billion if it wants to continue selling it with the name “iPadâ€?. Apparently Apple had previously purchased the rights to the trademarked name from the company that owned the name “iPadâ€? in China since 2000
  • THERE’S A GOOD chance you don’t know anyone who’s not on Facebook. After all, it currently has 800 million users, and projections based on historical data of its growth (it’s been expanding in a linear fashion) suggest that it will hit 1 billion by July 2012. That’s roughly 1/7th of the world’s population.
  • John Wiley and Sons, one of the world’s largest book publishers, is continuing its efforts to crack down on BitTorrent piracy. The company filed a new mass-lawsuit this month, targeting dozens of John Does who allegedly shared Wiley titles online. Talking to TorrentFreak, the publisher states that it's not their intention to litigate against individuals, but to settle and educate instead.
  • Last week file-sharing site Megaupload found itself at the center of a huge controversy. After some of the world’s leading artists endorsed its service, Universal Music forced the song offline and was met with widespread accusations of censorship. Today TorrentFreak hands its Sunday guest slot to Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom, who tells us the row with Universal started much earlier than we thought….
  • Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8, once the undisputed kind and the holder of world’s most-used browser is no longer on the top of the ranking which it had enjoyed for so many years but like every rise has a downfall, the same is the case with Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 who faces a tough rival in form of Google Chrome.
  • Previous stories in my Pharma Wars series have identified top kingpins behind the some of the biggest spam botnets. Today’s post does that and more, including never-before-published information on “Google,â€? the lead hacker behind the world’s busiest spam botnet — Cutwail.
  • So there’s another 4 plugins for you that I know are particularly useful to a lot of WordPress users. Although WordPress does have its shortcomings, WordPress is, without question, the world’s greatest content management system.