Searching for getting

  • Google has followed Apple's footsteps in getting a patent at the USPTO for the unlocking gesture for touchscreen smartphones running its Android operating system. While Apple has patented a slide to unlock gesture, Google uses a more involved pattern
  • Before buying a new smart phone, make sure you'll be getting the latest version of Android, 4.0. These phones are on the Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade list.
  • China’s notorious Great Firewall — or as they call it, the Golden Shield — is known for blocking some high profile sites. Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are all victims. But that has not kept the world’s most populous country from getting into social networking. Some 500 million Chinese citizens are online and a quarter of the world’s social network users live under the firewall.
  • I'd be lying if I said I hadn't tried my hand at making music with various iPad apps. I'd also be lying if I said any of that music sounded even halfway decent. Imagine someone getting into a fist-fight with a duck. Add some reverb and a terrible bass track. It generally sounds like that. That's clearly a limitation of my own musical abilities, though, as dudes like the one in this video are managing to make entire songs with nothin' but the iPad, a handful of apps, and their own golden pipes.
  • Japanese researchers are making huge strides in the field of robotics. Every year, their creations are getting more and more lifelike. So naturally, the
  • This is the newest Chinese drone. It seems much more advanced than what anyone imagined. Apparently, Bruce Wayne is now working for the Chinese military, which is pushing hard trying to match the US industry capabilities. They're getting close.
  • Can you sit through a two-hour movie without looking at your cell phone? Of course not! You have to check your email or tweet about the movie you're seeing or play Angry Birds. Thankfully, some cinemas have found a way for viewers to do this without getting kicked out.
  • The Kindle Fire is quickly becoming the hottest device outside of the iPad and at $200, it’s the first one that almost anyone can afford. Here are the best 8 apps everyone should consider getting.
  • If you're headed to your local big box store to shop for holiday gifts or anything else you need, don't leave your smartphone behind --with the right apps, you can check the products you're looking at in the store to see if you're getting the best price there, whether you should head to the store next door, or wait until you get home to shop online.
  • It might be tough to find a discount on Apple’s iPad 2 tablet computer, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be considered a steal. Thieves moved quickly to grab 125 of the tablet computers from a San Carlos, California Best Buy Thursday night, getting away before Sherrif’s deputies could arrive. Local television [...]