Searching for Office

  • UPDATE, 3:30 p.m. ET: RIM just held a conference call for reporters, with David Yach, its chief technology officer for software, saying the problem originated ...
  • In an age where coffee shops are the new office, the need for a computer mouse simply isn’t there. This is something I’ve embraced fully.
  • A tiny desk toy takes a journey from the office to the Pacific coast, thanks to Google Maps.
  • Web pioneer is transforming a midtown Manhattan office into a studio with two sets, seven edit rooms, and a state-of-the-art control room, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Digital Media.
  • French President Nicholas Sarkozy is a man who has championed some of the most aggressive anti-piracy legislation in Europe. But today it's revealed that the occupants of his very own office and home are responsible for a nice selection of pirate downloads using BitTorrent. Three strikes? Those with access to the Presidential Palace's IP addresses have already doubled that quota.
  • Remember the good old days when you'd watch Cops and the bad guys would be leading officers on a chase and dumping bags of white powder out the window and at some point you'd be at the edge of your seat rooting for them? Just a little? Well stop. That game is over.
  • Urban Airship has robbed Skype of some serious executive talent. Christopher Dean, formerly Skype's chief strategy officer and the company's global business development head, will now be Urban A...
  • LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - Dell Inc intends to launch its first consumer tablet computer in late 2012, marking its entry into a hotly contested and increasingly crowded arena that has already claimed arch-foe Hewlett Packard. The once-dominant corporation founded by Michael Dell has seen a growing crop of tablets and smartphones entice consumers away from PCs. But Dell learned from the hastiness of some of its peers and understands better now how consumers value the "ecosystem" of a tablet as much as the hardware, chief commercial officer Steve Felice said. ...
  • ShopSavvy, maker of the popular mobile bar code scanning apps, is today announcing SavvyListings, a service that will let you offer anything for sale simply by scanning a bar code. ShopSavvy has offices in San Francisco.
  • You may have the right to remain silent, but if the ruling of a federal judge in a recent Colorado case is anything to go by, your computer doesn't get any such protection -- even if the hard drive is encrypted to prevent people such as law enforcement officers from snooping around to find incriminating evidence.