Searching for Movies

  • The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent, â€?Cowboys and Aliens’ tops the chart this week, followed by â€?Conan the Barbarian’. â€?Killer Elite’ completes the top three.
  • Though the general public may be worried about Mayan predictions and the end of days in 2012, the real threats to fear next year aren’t those predicted in books and movies. It's Online.
  • If you're planning to hit the road with your Blu-ray enabled laptop for the holidays, or you just built an HTPC with a Blu-ray drive in it, your next job (after picking the movies you want to watch) is to select the Blu-ray compatible player you want to watch your movies in.
  • In an attempt to reduce widespread piracy in the Netherlands, the government there recently introduced a plan that would make downloading movies and music unlawful. However, this proposal was binned yesterday by a motion from the Dutch parliament due to concerns it would restrict the free flow of information, invade the privacy of citizens and invite copyright trolls. Instead, they encourage the entertainment industry to focus their attention on providing authorized alternatives.
  • Playing Blu-ray movies on the go on a laptop or in the living room on an HTPC with a Blu-ray drive doesn't have to be difficult, but if you want true HD video quality and the experience of navigating disc extras and menus, you'll need a Blu-ray media player that's up to the task.
  • Detailed smart meter data can show what TV shows you watch, scan for copyright-protected DVD movies you watch, and other privacy intrusive details. Yet it takes an amateur hacker only two days to hack a home smart meter and fake the readings -- which could result in data showing absolutely no power consumption at all.
  • The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent, 'Real Steel' tops the chart this week, followed by 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy'. 'Cowboys and Aliens' completes the top three.
  • In a move that heightens the growing tension between Silicon Valley and Hollywood, Wikipedia and other websites went dark Wednesday in protest of two congressional proposals intended to thwart the online piracy of copyrighted movies and TV programs.
  • In another important victory for Internet users’ fundamental rights and the open Internet, the highest court in Europe ruled yesterday that social networks cannot be required to monitor and filter their users’ communications to prevent copyright infringement of music and movies. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) found that imposing a broad filtering obligation on social networks would require active monitoring of users’ files in violation of EU law and could undermine citizens’ freedom of expression.
  • The first thought that most people have when they hear about cars that drive themselves is that it's probably a bad idea. Despite movies like Total Recall and iRobot offering a glimpse of safety as a result of auto-pilot vehicles, many are still skeptical. Is that thinking backwards?