Searching for Millions

  • In a quite astonishing lawsuit, Universal Music could be demanding hundreds of millions in damages from Grooveshark’s music streaming service. Claims in the lawsuit lay waste to Grooveshark’s insistence that they enjoy â€?safe harbor’ under the DMCA, stating categorically that bosses and other workers at the company, from the CEO down, personally uploaded many thousands of infringing tracks to the service.
  • Facebook settled with the FTC over "charges that it deceived consumers by telling them they could keep their information on Facebook private, and then repeatedly allowing it to be shared and made public." Jon Leibowitz, Chairman of the FTC said, "Facebook is obligated to keep the promises about privacy that it makes to its hundreds of millions of users. Facebook's innovation does not have to come at the expense of consumer privacy. The FTC action will ensure it will not."
  • Although it'd be unfair to say that tires are one of the more old-fashioned aspects of your modern car - since tire manufacturers spend millions constantly developing them - they do have their flaws.
  • According the reports by Reuters, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd on Sunday disclosed that the sale of its mobile handsets on annual basis, has gone beyond the benchmark of 300 million units. The company has reached this benchmark for the first time in its complete history.
  • The Kindle Fire has been released to great fanfare, mixed reviews and millions of devices sold. The device's growth trajectory has already outpaced that of any other tablet introduced to the market. Secondary statistics show that the growth of the Kindle Fire rivals even that of the original iPad when it was unleashed on the world in the beginning of 2010. Advertising network Millennial Media notes in its monthly report MobileMix device index report that ad impressions on the Fire have grown at a daily rate of 19% since its launch in the middle of November.
  • Each and every day hundreds of millions of people scour their favorite BitTorrent search engines for content to download. But what are all these people looking for? Today we present the BitTorrent Zeitgeist 2011, a list of the 50 most searched for phrases and keywords on one of the most used public BitTorrent indexes during the past year.
  • There are more then millions of Android Apps available over internet. However to get the Best of the Android Apps and that too which are available without any
  • IN 2006 the grandchildren of an 82-year-old Ohio woman discovered that she had been paying AT&T about $10 a month for a phone rental. AT&T changed a long-term leasing arrangement in 1985-86, letting customers buy a handset or return it—or continue to pay if they took no action. Millions ignored the note, and kept up with the lease payments. Hundreds of thousands were still doing so in 2006. The Ohioan's concerned progeny estimated that from the 1960s until 2006 their granny had paid over $14,000 for a pair of rotary-dial telephones. Of that, $2,000 had been unnecessary.
  • For some, it is a question about whether Google serves "the same Web" for the millions of users who rely on Google as their principal portal.
  • App maker SkyGrid has a plan to bring TV to your iPad. It’s also landed a promising partnership with huge Korean electronics maker LG to integrate its app technology into tens of millions of televisions.