Searching for Microsoft

  • Latest Microsoft Windows 7 News, Windows 7 Tips, Windows 7 Themes, Windows 7 Wallpapers & Guides. Updated daily by experts.
  • StatCounter has been tracking Chrome\'s immense growth in 2011 and predicts Chrome will reach second place, above Firefox, in December of this year.
  • Some people believe that Windows Phone 7 is too little, too late, and that Microsoft can't compete with platforms like iOS and Android.
  • Linux creator Linus Torvalds shared his opinions on Microsoft, Apple, open vs. locked down technologies and the future of Linux, at the LinuxCon Brazil conference this week.
  • Microsoft claimed yesterday that users will be able to complete a Windows 8 upgrade much faster, in some cases in one-tenth the time it took similar-configured PCs to upgrade to Windows 7.
  • When it comes to Macs versus PCs, Apple versus Microsoft, and iOS versus Windows, haters gonna hate no matter which side you choose, if in fact you're not completely platform agnostic. There's nothing we can do about that. All we can do is observe and report the facts, and in this case, a market research firm is saying Apple is on track to...
  • Microsoft is reportedly in talks to partner with Chinese retailer Suning in an effort to distribute Windows Phones throughout the country. Suning has m
  • Read 'Next-generation Kinect will reportedly read lips, rely on non-USB data transfers' on Digital Trends. An anonymous industry insider reveals that Microsoft's next-generation Kinect will be able to read lips and accurately capture player movements and emotional states thanks to an improved data transfer connection between peripheral and console.
  • Microsoft has released its latest preview of Internet Explorer, showing IE10’s new features in Windows 8.
  • Just a few years ago, Mozilla's Firefox browser was rising fast as the chief challenger to Microsoft's stubbornly dominant Internet Explorer. Things change pretty fast in the world of Internet technology, however, and today Firefox's once bright future seems much less certain. In 2008, Mozilla entered into a three-year partnership with Google. In exchange for remaining the default search engine on Firefox, Google hands over about 84% of Firefox's total revenue. Well, it's 2011 now and, as ZDNet's Ed Bott points out, the status of that partnership is unclear....