Searching for BlackBerry

  • Personal or professional, discover BlackBerry software and downloads. Shop software & downloads at
  • Luxury automaker turned industrial design brand Porsche Design has announced its first smartphone alongside Research In Motion. The BlackBerry P\' 9981 ...
  • UPDATE, 3:30 p.m. ET: RIM just held a conference call for reporters, with David Yach, its chief technology officer for software, saying the problem originated ...
  • There was a day not so long ago when the BlackBerry was the phone of choice among members of the business community. But according to the results of a new survey, this is no longer the case.
  • Three hackers say they have exploited a vulnerability in Research In Motion's PlayBook tablet to gain root access to the device, a claim that could damage the BlackBerry maker's hard-won reputation for security. Root access means a user has permission to alter any file or program on a device and can control hardware functions. In a response to queries, RIM said it is investigating the claim, and if a "jailbreak" is confirmed will release a patch to plug the hole. ...
  • BlackBerry maker Research in Motion has finally admitted that they are going through a rough patch since past three months with reporting a quarterly profit which are being squeezed by slumping sales and service outages, as the company said that it expects to earn between 80% to 95% a share on revenue of between $4.6 billion and $4.9 billion, way below analysts’ profit forecasts of $1.16 per share on sales of $5.1 billion.
  • Apple's App Store alone is worth more than all of Research In Motion, maker of BlackBerry devices. That's according to a bit of quick-thinking analysis by Brian S. Hall, who notes that RIM as a whole can't quite match the value of Apple's mobile software marketplace.
  • The wolves of the tech-blogging world are circling around Research In Motion, calling them has-beens and tossing out rumors left and right as the once-proud BlackBerry brand fades into antiquity thanks to the rise of iPhone and Android. There are reasons to believe that we haven’t seen the last of RIM, most notably the probability that their weakness in the market today will make them a prime target for a buyout in the future.
  • We've discussed the fragmentation of Android and the shoddy update services of the various carriers before, but the Droid 3's situation is raising these issues again. According to pre-CES reports, Verizon is poised to end-of-life (EOL) the Droid 3 along with its entire current lineup of MiFi hotspots. The BlackBerry Curve 3G and Palm Pre 2...
  • The mobile devices and tablets we choose to tote around speak volumes about our attitudes and outlooks on life, should you believe the findings of a new study.