
This page displays all Cmder versions from Softpedia
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All Cmder versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 4.3 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-10-09
Download Cmder Cmder

Cmder Description

Cmder provides you with an alternative to the Windows default command prompt utility through a more capable console emulator that also comes packing a good-looking graphical user interface.For starters, console emulators can refer to software that emulates video game consoles on your computer for various (unorthodox or not) reasons as well as to terminal emulators that ease the work of specific computer users that prefer to work with their keyboard mostly.They can also be referred to as command line shells, text terminals or terminal window, according to their presence or lack of GUI. A terminal emulator can be utilized on a local computer or remotely through various services such as Telnet, SSH and even dial-up.The fact that technology forever develops new pieces of hardware and software does not interfere with older machines that can only be accessed through such applications in order to run their programs. While this is not the only use for terminal emulators, it’s a pretty important one.Cmder relies on the technology behind ConEmu, a console emulator with tabs that was originally built as a companion for Far Manager, the favorite shell replacement of its developer. What Cmder manages to do with its framework is bring in a new GUI animated with a very fancy color scheme alongside improvements such as new keyboard shortcuts or context sensitive completion.You can also use Cmder on-the-go thanks to its portable design, thus having it at your disposal no matter where you are. Moreover, you can also use Cmder with Git repositories of your application software development projects.All in all, Cmder is not just another replacement for the default command prompt utility in Windows. It does not only bring new tools to work with but a whole new idea about aesthetics and proper workflow, thus delivering a peculiar experience that can surely please any user that just loves to have a complete software package including a terminal emulator. �.You can free download Cmder from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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