Kode Magd

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All Kode Magd versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Kode Magd

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version:
  • File size: 1.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-10-09
Download Kode Magd Kode Magd

Kode Magd Description

The VBA Editor in Microsoft Excel is a tool that can be used to add extensive functionality to your spreadsheets, using the Visual Basic language to do so. Although the editor provides you with everything you might need in order to write and test your code, it could use a few improvements when it comes to text formatting.Improve code readabilityKode Madg is a software utility that can be installed as a toolbar inside Microsoft Excel's VBA editor and it helps you increase the readability of your code, by providing you with a handful of formatting enhancements and adjustments. Thus, you can modify the text indentation, split lines into multiple parts and remove line numbers altogether.In addition, you can also make use of the auto format option, which applies the recommended settings over your code, without requiring any additional configuration. In case you also want to bring slightly more permanent modifications, the utility enables you to rename elements throughout the document, including variables, functions, modules and properties.Insert predefined code bitsBeside purely cosmetic changes, Kode Magd is also capable of more powerful actions, such as to add entire code sections to your document. Thus, you can easily generate database connection scripts, or even use predefined update, insert and delete queries, although, as you might expect, you have to manually provide your own values and parameters.Furthermore, the application can also create code bits regarding forms, files and various other kind of operations. Despite the fact that they may not adhere to your personal coding standards, it can be very useful to work around having to manually design the syntax each time you have to use it in your scripts.A practical and useful VBA Editor toolbarIn the end, Kode Magd provides you with a useful set of tools that can improve your VBA Editor experience by quite a lot, especially since it can quickly reformat your code and include new sections in a matter of seconds. In addition, the toolbar integrates very well with the application and offers you quick access to all of its functions, thanks to the intuitive dropdown menus. �.You can free download Kode Magd from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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