
This page displays all CarotDAV versions from Softpedia
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All CarotDAV versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 1.10.5
  • File size: 1.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-08-09
Download CarotDAV CarotDAV

CarotDAV Description

File transfers between your computer and a server rely on certain protocols, that is why having an application that can support several protocols is essential. CarotDAV is a sturdy piece of software that can help you achieve quick file transfers, as it presents itself as a multi-protocol file transfer tool which can help you connect to multiple servers and remotely manage the files it contains. In order to properly work, the application requires .Net Framework installed on your computer.Dependable utility for managing remote filesThe program allows you to connect to your favorite remote file storages and manage all the files they contain. You can connect to your WebDAV, FTP, OneDrive, DropBox, Google Drive, Box or SugarSync remote storages and manage or organize any file encountered there.In addition, you are able to manage files from IMAP servers, which are normally used to store emails and other similar data.Potent data manager that works with remote serversCarotDAV uses several protocols in order to connect to various remote servers and manage the data there, some of which are HTTP/1.1 (RFC2616), HTTPS (RFC2818), DAV class 1(RFC2518), 3(RFC4918), HTTP Proxy, Client Certificate, FTP (RFC959), and FTPS (FTP over TLS) (RFC4217, RFC2228, RFC2246). Using all these protocols ensures you that you can connect to any of your remote servers or file storages, then manage the data found within.An overall powerful remote file managerTo sum it up, CarotDAV comes as an all-in-one client for connecting and managing files from various remote servers and data storages. This means you do not need to use dedicated clients for each online repository, as the application is versatile and flexible enough to cover most protocols used by popular online repositories such as WebDAV, FTP, OneDrive, DropBox, Google Drive, Box or SugarSync. �.You can free download CarotDAV from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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