StrongRecovery Portable

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All StrongRecovery Portable versions from Softpedia sources and versions

StrongRecovery Portable

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version:
  • File size: 4.2 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-14-09
Download StrongRecovery Portable StrongRecovery Portable

StrongRecovery Portable Description

StrongRecovery Portable is a practical and useful program especially designed for users who need to recover deleted or lost files from memory cards such as SD, xD, CF, MS or MMC, portable devices or hard disk drives. Since these data loss might be a result of a system crash, virus attack or hardware failure, the application enables you to restore your favorite images and important documents within seconds. When you launch StrongRecovery Portable for the first time, you are able to choose one of the recognized drives or partitions, then let the program to detect all the lost files. Additionally, a small floating window appears in the right side of the application in order to choose only the files you want to view in the main window. After the scanning process is finished, you are able to save the results to your computer.The wizard-like interface guides you throughout the entire process of recovering your files, from selecting the drive, memory card or partition you want to analyze, viewing the recoverable files, filtering the content the way you want and choosing the output file location to starting the file retrieval process. However, you need to make sure that the files will be a saved in a different location, otherwise they will be overwritten.The left panel displays all of the scanned partitions along with their folders and detected files. Additionally, you are able to add the selected folder to Favorites or recover it.Because StrongRecovery Portable provides support for multiple file system types such as NTFS, FAT16, FAT32, HPFS and EXFAT, you can use it with any drive or partition you want. Irrespective of the output format that your files have, you can easily recover encrypted, protected or compressed data.Considering that it is a portable utility, you can carry it with you wherever you go on a removable drive and use it on any computer. Hence, it does not create registry entries and you can remove it simply by deleting its containing folder.To wrap it up, StrongRecovery Portable enables you to easily recover your lost or accidentally deleted files and folders, thus getting back your important documents, photos and media files. �.You can free download StrongRecovery Portable from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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