TEncoder Portable

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All TEncoder Portable versions from Softpedia sources and versions

TEncoder Portable

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version:
  • File size: 30.1 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-06-07
Download TEncoder Portable TEncoder Portable

TEncoder Portable Description

TEncoder Portable is a forthright application that allows you to convert between various video formats. Relying on the powerful Mencoder and FFMpeg encoders, it provides fast processing speed.Its compatibility range is rather impressive, since this program supports a variety of video and audio file types (AVI, MOV, FLV, MKV, OGG, VOB, MP3, MP4, WAV, FLAC, just to name a few). Users can add one or more files to the queue, as well as entire directories. All the loaded files are neatly displayed within the main window and the application automatically detects the audio track or the embedded subtitles for each. Their order can be modified and you can delete items with just a click.The preview function enables you to take a look at the videos before converting them, while the 'Range Editor' is designed to help you trim a video, which can come in handy for removing long introductions or never-ending credits.You can use TEncoder Portable to set the subtitle and the audio delay. There are various video and audio codecs that you can choose from and the essential encoding parameters are customizable. You can modify the video and the audio bitrates, adjust the output size, the FPS rate, the aspect ratio and the number of channels.In addition to this, the application bundles a few filters that are intended to enhance the video quality, namely deinterlacing and cropping.Unicode support and customizable subtitle style, configurable number of simultaneous processes, customizable encoding arguments, conversion profile creation and a set of predefined profiles targeted at various devices (mobile phones, iPods, DVD players etc.) are some of the other features worth mentioning.With a diverse range of supported formats, TEncoder Portable is worth having for converting and editing video and audio formats. It is a multi-threaded encoding application capable of converting videos without quality loss. �.You can free download TEncoder Portable from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

TEncoder Portable

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version:
  • File size: 15.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-25-02
Download TEncoder Portable TEncoder Portable

TEncoder Portable Description

TEncoder Portable is a forthright application that allows you to convert between various video formats. Relying on the powerful Mencoder and FFMpeg encoders, it provides fast processing speed.Its compatibility range is rather impressive, since this program supports a variety of video and audio file types (AVI, MOV, FLV, MKV, OGG, VOB, MP3, MP4, WAV, FLAC, just to name a few). Users can add one or more files to the queue, as well as entire directories. All the loaded files are neatly displayed within the main window and the application automatically detects the audio track or the embedded subtitles for each. Their order can be modified and you can delete items with just a click.The preview function enables you to take a look at the videos before converting them, while the 'Range Editor' is designed to help you trim a video, which can come in handy for removing long introductions or never-ending credits.You can use TEncoder Portable to set the subtitle and the audio delay. There are various video and audio codecs that you can choose from and the essential encoding parameters are customizable. You can modify the video and the audio bitrates, adjust the output size, the FPS rate, the aspect ratio and the number of channels.In addition to this, the application bundles a few filters that are intended to enhance the video quality, namely deinterlacing and cropping.Unicode support and customizable subtitle style, configurable number of simultaneous processes, customizable encoding arguments, conversion profile creation and a set of predefined profiles targeted at various devices (mobile phones, iPods, DVD players etc.) are some of the other features worth mentioning.With a diverse range of supported formats, TEncoder Portable is worth having for converting and editing video and audio formats. It is a multi-threaded encoding application capable of converting videos without quality loss. �.You can free download TEncoder Portable from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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