Android Studio 0.4.5 Build

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All Android Studio 0.4.5 Build versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Android Studio 0.4.5 Build

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 133.102104
  • File size: 158 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-20-02
Download Android Studio 0.4.5 Build Android Studio 0.4.5 Build

Android Studio 0.4.5 Build Description

Android Studio is an Integrated Development Editor developed by Google for the Android platform, comprising everything that a programmer needs in order to design and test Android applications.It was inspired by JeBrains’s IntelliJ IDEA, a general purpose IDE that encases a state-of-the-art collection of tools for code writing and testing. Android Studio bundles the richness of IntelliJ combined with the capabilities that are required for Android development.It also embeds the Gradle engine, which automates tasks and allows for a more streamlined workflow, customized builds and an enhanced level of flexibility. The package that wraps Android Studio includes the IDE, the latest Android SDK tools for testing and debugging, as well as the Android platform for compilation and the Android system image that functions as an emulator.In terms of appearance, Android Studio follows the line of IntelliJ for the most part, sporting tiny differences to the colors used inside the main window. The GUI is interactive, allowing for quick actions and for an elegant manipulation of the code.Highlights include application signing, a collection of Lint tools that can be used to test version compatibility, a variety of wizards that provide guidance for common Android designs, as well as support for Google Cloud Platform, which allows you to integrate components such as Google Cloud Messaging inside your app.Also, Android Studio benefits from static code analysis, which allows you to identify bugs more quickly by performing an in-depth examination of your project.All in all, Android Studio comes across as a steady and reliable IDE that embeds Android-specific features, providing developers with a complete and efficient set of tools that can enhance workflows and productivity while minimizing efforts. �.You can free download Android Studio 0.4.5 Build from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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Android Studio 0.4.5 Build


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