
This page displays all OziExplorer versions from Softpedia
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All OziExplorer versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 3.95.5t
  • File size: 8.2 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-23-07
Download OziExplorer OziExplorer

OziExplorer Description

OziExplorer is an advanced GPS mapping software that allows for the creation of routes and waypoints in order to plan trips across the world. It can work with digital maps and a wide array of GPS receivers in order to track your position in real time.OziExplorer is an innovation in its software field, simplifying the concept of trips by permitting to plan them ahead in a manner that will allow you to reach your destination in an organized manner, faster than using the classical map approach.In order to achieve all of this, OziExplorer relies on a very rich collection of functions which may seem overwhelming at first, but once you start exploring them, piece by piece, you will find their proper meaning.Because it achieves a complex purpose, OziExplorer relies on a rather complicated architecture, which is sure to challenge users every step of the way, until it becomes a habit to work with the program.In order to plan your trip in an organized manner, OziExplorer puts at your disposal various utilities that will simplify your job. It can make use of digital maps (purchased or scanned) in order to create routes and waypoints, but it can also use GPS receivers in order to download and even upload such information. This operation is available only for a short list of GPS models (Magellan, Garmin, Eagle, Lowrance, Brunton/Silva and MLR), but on the bright side, if you own a different type of GPS receiver, you can use it to track your position in real time (in the form of a moving map).OziExplorer will accompany you throughout the trip, offering you instructions and displaying various parameters such as next waypoint, course, speed, distance, ETA and other such information.In addition, you can also place comments, symbols and pictures on the maps, as well as to print waypoint lists.Considering all of the above, OziExplorer is worth having in your travelling bag. It is innovative, well-built and smart enough to guide you throughout the whole trip. �.You can free download OziExplorer from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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