Wondrous Alarm Machine

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All Wondrous Alarm Machine versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Wondrous Alarm Machine

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 0.3
  • File size: 7.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-10-07
Download Wondrous Alarm Machine Wondrous Alarm Machine

Wondrous Alarm Machine Description

Wondrous Alarm Machine is a comprehensive and user-friendly software solution whose main purpose is to provide you with the ability to create complex reminders and alarms, so you can schedule your various activities perfectly, even including breaks.The utility is fairly simple to work with, featuring a basic interface and a wide range of usage examples, enabling you to quickly figure out how to handle it with ease. Wondrous Alarm Machine features three different functions, namely 'Run and Hide', 'Run' and 'Test'.You can input the complex alarm that you wish to set up, for instance 15 minutes of work followed by a 5 minute break, or any other combination that fits your requirements. Using the 'Run and Hide' function, you can configure Wondrous Alarm Machine and it will hide in the system tray, displaying a small bubble window in the notification area when the countdown timer expires.The 'Run' button allows you to launch an alarm immediately, while the 'Test' function enables you to verify if the created reminder is correct before putting it into practice.In the 'Alarms' tab, you can view all the entries which are yet to run, including the rule and the 'Signal', if any are used. The 'Signal' can be a message inserted in inverted commas, displayed when the timer expires, thus functioning as a reminder, letting you keep track of something you are cooking for instance or remember when your favorite show is about to begin.Moreover, Wondrous Alarm Machine allows you to create 'Signals' using EXE files or various media items, such as MP3s or similar format files, so you can launch a program, play a song or open a document when the clock reaches the preset time.To conclude, Wondrous Alarm Machine is an interesting and useful application that helps you create a complex system of alarms and reminders, enabling you to keep track of all your activities and deadlines. �.You can free download Wondrous Alarm Machine from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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