WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 / 8 Build 134.1361

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All WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 / 8 Build 134.1361 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 / 8 Build 134.1361

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: EAP
  • File size: 133 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-04-03
Download WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 / 8 Build 134.1361 WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 / 8 Build 134.1361

WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 / 8 Build 134.1361 Description

WebStorm is a powerful IDE that provides you with a very large set of tools that you can use to develop your software in an easy and intuitive way.The application has its roots in the IntelliJ IDEA platform and offers you HTML, JavaScript, CSS and XML development tools. WebStorm displays a comprehensive interface that makes it easy to use and grants you quick access to all its features and tools. And since it offers so many, you do need a while to learn where each one resides inside the application. The main window is structured in the classic way, featuring menus and toolbars, navigation and status bars, as well as the editor and tool windows.Creating a project can be done in multiple ways. You can either download a source code and insert it into WebStorm or duplicate a repository and create a project that is based on the sources you have. Or, you can just start a project and build it from ground up. The application is created to handle large and complex workloads as it provides you with the possibility to load more than one projects and switch between then when you need to.It’s also designed to optimize your workflow. You’ll be pleased to know that WebStorm is fitted with a code completion feature, meaning that the application is capable of understanding your code. Moreover, with this application you get to view and correct all the problems before you get to run the website. This is possible because the application displays the mistakes as you type them.With the above to consider there is much more to discover about WebStorm, besides the fact that it supports HTML5, CoffeeScript, Dart, TypeScript, Handlebars, Stylus, JSLint/JSHint, EJS, Web Components and Jade. With it, you can certainly bring your projects to the next level. �.You can free download WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 / 8 Build 134.1361 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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WebStorm 7.0.3 Build 133.434 / 8 Build 134.1361


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