
This page displays all VodBurner versions from Softpedia
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All VodBurner versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version:
  • File size: 17.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-06-08
Download VodBurner VodBurner

VodBurner Description

Skype is a popular tool for chatting or sending messages to people all over the world, yet it does not offer the possibility to record calls, just like it can log typed messages. If you want to record audio and video calls that you make or receive within Skype, you can use VodBurner. The application installs without any issues and you might need to restart your PC to ensure the recording process goes smoothly, without any errors. Once VodBurner successfully connects to Skype, it will automatically start recording a call as soon as it is initiated. The app interface is small so as not seem intrusive when you are chatting with your friends or family on Skype, yet is it neatly organized so you can quickly locate each function when needed. When capturing a call, the software solution displays the quality of the audio, so you can improve it in realtime - you can also pause or stop the recording, even if the call has not ended. Additionally, you can edit the resulting file by adding transition effects or cut out a certain segment you do not like. Moreover, you can enhance the output recording by inserting text or pictures, but also audio or video snippets. If you are not interested in editing the recording, you can simply choose to save all recordings in MP4, faster than the alternative way, but does not support group calls (with more than 2 people).When you are pleased with the result, you can either save the video to the PC or you can upload it to YouTube and share it with whoever you want. A history log with all the recorded calls is stored within VodBurner and you can also explore the total amount of space occupied by these recordings. To sum it up, until Skype introduces the possibility to natively record calls, VodBurner is a good option, especially considering the app can be used free of charge when the recorded call is between VodBurner users (a standard trial period is also available). �.You can free download VodBurner from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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