Database Servers software

  • Redis

    Redis is an open source software designed to be an key-value store or a data structure server.Redis' keys can contain hashes, strings, sets, sorted sets and lists.Numerous clients of Redis exists here.Product's homepage

  • Percona Server 5171149 5533311 5610602 5613605

    Percona Server is drop-in replacement for the popular MySQL, with full backward compatibility.Percona Server provides diagnostic tools useful to DBAs, and more tunability of server behavior. Also included is Percona's online backup utility XtraBackup, the open source tool for the XtraDB / InnoDB.Percona Server with XtraDB shows outstanding performa....Read More


    MUSCLE (Multi User Server Client Linkage Environment) is a robust, scalable and cross-platform client and server messaging system.MUSCLE runs on any POSIX-compliant operating system.Product's homepage

  • Percona Server 5168145 5531303

    Percona Server is drop-in replacement for the popular MySQL, with full backward compatibility.Percona Server provides diagnostic tools useful to DBAs, and more tunability of server behavior. Also included is Percona's online backup utility XtraBackup, the open source tool for the XtraDB / InnoDB.Percona Server with XtraDB shows outstanding performa....Read More

  • Percona Server 5168145 5530302

    Percona Server is drop-in replacement for the popular MySQL, with full backward compatibility.Percona Server provides diagnostic tools useful to DBAs, and more tunability of server behavior. Also included is Percona's online backup utility XtraBackup, the open source tool for the XtraDB / InnoDB.Percona Server with XtraDB shows outstanding performa....Read More
