Searching for Details

  • You know, I'm beginning to think that Samsung's factory lines are rigged up like the bus in Speed. If at any time they drop below 50 newly created Android phones per month, bam! Factory falls down and Keanu Reeves never hooks up with Sandra Bullock. Alternative Intro: Samsung and Verizon are incredibly excited about their latest handset, the Samsung Illusion. You can always tell a company is excited about a product when much of the press release is dedicated to the riveting details, like its Underwriters Laboratory score.
  • Steve Jobs wasn't eager to disclose details of his health issues over the years.
  • Anonymous and other hacktivists have joined together to launch an attack on banks in response to recent crackdowns against the Occupy protest movement. TeaMp0isoN and Anonymous are joining forces to run OpRobinHood, which will involve using stolen credit details to donate to charities and others, supposedly at the expense of banks.
  • Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) is calling on a developer to provide details of hidden software installed on smartphones that logs numerous details about users' activities. In a letter sent Thursday to Carrier IQ president Larry Lenhart, Franken asked for an explanation of what the company's software records, whether it transmits data to a third party and whether the data presents any security or privacy risks.
  • More details emerge about the spook in your pocket: FOIA request to the FBI for "manuals, documents or other written guidance used to access or analyze data gathered by programs developed or deployed by Carrier IQ" was met with a telling denial. In it, the FBI stated it did have responsive documents - but they were exempt under a provision that covers materials that, if disclosed, might reasonably interfere with an ongoing investigation.
  • When it comes to HTML5 implementation, Android has historically been lacking most of the other major mobile platforms. iOS is considered the crown jewel of HTML5 performance and even Windows Phone has faired better than Android. That may all be about to change. In Sencha's latest HTML5 benchmark, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus running Android 4.0.1 Ice Cream Sandwich was put through the paces. The newest flagship Android device acquitted itself well. As Sencha puts it; "The Galaxy Nexus is a big step forward for developers looking to leverage HTML5 on Android." See the details below....
  • Hackers Steal Emails And Info Activist hacker group Anonymous has claimed to have stolen thousands of emails, passwords and sensitive credit card details from a US-based security think-tank, forcing it to suspend operations.
  • Detailed smart meter data can show what TV shows you watch, scan for copyright-protected DVD movies you watch, and other privacy intrusive details. Yet it takes an amateur hacker only two days to hack a home smart meter and fake the readings -- which could result in data showing absolutely no power consumption at all.
  • Facebook has acted to stop the spread of a new variety of malicious software that has stolen login details from 45,000 mostly British and French users.
  • After hackers snatched an internal memo from India's Military Intelligence servers, dirty details made with mobile manufacturers 'in exchange for an Indian market presence' suggest RIM, Nokia and Apple (RINOA) provide "intercept backdoors" for governments. What started as a story about Symantec Norton source code stolen from military intelligence has now morphed into allegations of government backdoors for spying, intelligence agencies around the world, and an expert who suggests to "assume evil" and trust neither Apple iCloud nor Microsoft Skydrive encryption.