MyUSBOnly 2014

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All MyUSBOnly 2014 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

MyUSBOnly 2014

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 9.6.2
  • File size: 7 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-01-04
Download MyUSBOnly 2014 MyUSBOnly 2014

MyUSBOnly 2014 Description

If you want to make sure no one can get any type of documents and files from your computer without your permission, some protection measures need to be applied. MyUSBOnly is a nice tool that was created to block out access for unfamiliar USB storage device. The app has a simple interface that should be easy to figure out by all users. The program helps you secure your files. It can be particularly useful if you often deal with sensitive information or you run a business and want to protect various files that are important. The app can restrict access for thumb drives, MP3 players, flash cards and any portable USB hard drives. It can also log any connection attempts, as well as any files and folders that were copied, modified or deleted. MyUSBOnly works with an administrator password which restricts access to all settings. The secret key combination is also required to give access to certain USB drives. A whitelist can be created from the program’s settings area by connecting a drive into the USB port, clicking the Detect button and adding it to the list. All in all, MyUSBOnly is a nice tool that can be useful to have installed on the computer, regardless of your reasons for it. Less experienced individuals should find it easy to handle, thanks to the intuitive layout and its overall simplicity.   �.You can free download MyUSBOnly 2014 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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