Wise Timetable 5.0.3 Build

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All Wise Timetable 5.0.3 Build versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Wise Timetable 5.0.3 Build

  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 2379
  • File size: 171 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-19-08
Download Wise Timetable 5.0.3 Build Wise Timetable 5.0.3 Build

Wise Timetable 5.0.3 Build Description

Wise Timetable is a straightforward software solution especially tailored for university, primary and secondary school teachers. It includes two versions: one for universities and the other one for primary and high schools. The application is compatible with most educational systems, like US schools and university systems, EU higher education Bologna Process, international Baccalaureate schools, private or public schools. Easy-to-use and well-structured GUI layoutWise Timetable's workspace consists of a menu bar that allows for easy access to all the application's features, a timetable that displays the occupancy of rooms, lecturers and groups for any selected week, a few shortcut buttons that enable you to see obligations, switch between basic and detailed view modes, generate the timetable and save it on your computer. You can choose among different ways of viewing the timetable and with the help of the timeline slider, you can swiftly navigate between all weeks of the school year or you can manually enter the dates.Versatile piece of softwareWith Wise Timetable you can easily generate a timetable for each week or each semester separately, as well as for the whole year at once.You have complete control when it comes to creating new rooms, making reservations, choosing classroom equipment, adding new lecturers, viewing teacher obligations, editing special programs or choosing subject area and moving them to other programs. What's more is that you can create groups of students to study certain subject areas by manually or automatically assigning them to those programs. New courses can be introduced, so that lecturers and students can be selected to attend them. Plus, you can view all the teachers and students, and how they are distributed for the whole year. Breaks can be configured for a semester by specifying the time allocated for each day. Furthermore, you can reduce or increase the number of pauses for both students and teachers, or you can equally distribute them. In conclusionOverall, Wise Timetable makes even the most complex and large timetables easy to handle and fast to generate. You have no limits on what you want to create and you can conveniently export course reports as CSV or PDF files, as well as share them through email services. �.You can free download Wise Timetable 5.0.3 Build from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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Wise Timetable 5.0.3 Build


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