Opt-In List Manager

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All Opt-In List Manager versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Opt-In List Manager

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 1.0.48
  • File size: 1.6 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-05-05
Download Opt-In List Manager Opt-In List Manager

Opt-In List Manager Description

Email list management utility. Can process files of unlimited size, works fast and easy to use. Has rich set of functions: extracting mails, merging, splitting, filtering, combining and randomizing lists, verifying domains. List Manager can process multi-column email lists delimited by tab or comma. You can automate routine tasks by using Automation feature. Program has intuitive, user-friendly interface. You can drag and drop source files and folders from Windows Explorer. Built-in file viewer allows you to view huge lists. More functions upcoming in the following free upgrades. Here are some key features of "Opt-In List Manager":Extract And Clean:Extracts and cleans only syntactically correct internet email addresses from the input files. Input files can be of any format - ASCII text, binary or whatever.Merge E-Mail Lists:This tool allows you to include email addresses from the input files to your big "Master File" of email addresses. No duplicates will be placed into result list.Remove Addresses:Remove addresses that are contained in the input files from the specified Master list file.Filter Addresses:By using this tool you can keep only specified types of addresses and domains or remove unwanted ones.Make Sample:This tool allows you to make a sample of the contents of email list file.Separate Addresses:This tool can arrange your list in one of three ways:Separating it by its various domains and sorting/de-duping output files.Separating it by its various domains and randomizing addresses within domain.Randomizing the whole input list of email addresses.Also you can:Create a separate file for each country code or specified domain.Split big output files to smaller ones.Generate random packets of specified size.Seed Addresses:This tool allows you to insert the consecutive block of your own email addresses into an outgoing email list.Split File:By using this tool you can split up your file so that it will be the specified number of lines in each output file. Or you can specify the number of files you wish, and OILM will create that many files each with equal number of lines.Join Lists:Allows you join columns from two lists together.Count Addresses:This is a high-speed address counting tool. You can count the total number of lines in the input files or count only valid addresses by domain.Build E-Mail List:You can quickly build a finished email list by specifying a list of domains and usernames.Randomize Lists:Randomization utility.Sort Lists:This tool allows you to sort/dedupe input files.Miscellaneous Utilities has several useful utilities for managing your lists and allows you:Extract usernames and domains from your mailing lists.Extract fields from multi-column lists by their position.Add specified prefix to the beginning or the extension to the end of each line of your input files.Replace every occurrence of a specific text, with another text in each line of your input files.Verify Domains:By using this tool you can verify domains in input lists of emails. Limitations:Unregistered version of Opt-In List Manager replaces some symbols in output with asterisksnag screen What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]"Extract And Clean": Reject emails with numbers only. Examples: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. �.You can free download Opt-In List Manager from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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