Allegro Stable / Unstable

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All Allegro Stable / Unstable versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Allegro Stable / Unstable

  • OS:
  • Version: 5.1.8
  • File size: 3.74 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-15-01
Download Allegro Stable / Unstable Allegro Stable / Unstable

Allegro Stable / Unstable Description

Allegro is a portable library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. If you are a total beginner to C programming, Allegro won't help you much. As a C library (C stands for the name of a programming language), Allegro presumes you know how to write C programs, compile and link them to produce executables. Sorry, you will have to learn how to do that first. Before you start coding, you should probably read more documentation. C is a well known language with many years on its back, so you won't have too many problems finding information about it.If you already know how to write C programs but lack the knowledge for writing games, you will enjoy learning and using Allegro. Obviously you will want to download Allegro. We recommend you to get the stable version. Allegro comes with a good reference documentation and more than 40 examples which will help you to start with basic things and from there on improve your skills. You can even play a small demo game where your mission is to blast asteroids. The documentation bundled with Allegro can be found online, and there are many tutorials and even some books which can be used to further enhance your knowledge.If you are an experienced game programmer you can quickly get an idea of how Allegro programs look like by skimming through the API or reading the bundled examples. Allegro tries to make the task of creating games as simple as possible to you, while maintaining the flexibility to utilize all the low level power you may want to use at the same time.Whether you are a beginner or not, you should know that there are a few ways to get in touch with other Allegro users. There are a few mailing lists you can subscribe to. They are usually silent until somebody starts a nice discussion and everybody jumps in with replies. For the mail impaired, is a Web based forum with a much higher participation (and also noise-to-signal ratio). Feel free to communicate your ideas and current projects. Everybody likes to see a game pushing Allegro to the limits, even more if you provide the source code for others to learn from it. Requirements:OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]Graphics:Fixed the mis-termed"blend color". There is no more color state.al_set*_blender functions lose the color parameter.Added 5 new bitmap drawing functions al_draw_tinted*_bitmap with a color parameter. The parameter is used just like the"blend color"before.All text drawing functions gain a color parameter and use it like they used the"blend color"before.Primitive drawing functions previously sometimes (and sometimes not) used the"blend color". Not any longer.Make the current blending mode thread-local state instead of per-display state.Add explicit display arguments to functions which require a display, but don't require the rendering context to be current.Make al_set_target_bitmap change the current display as necessary. al_set_target_bitmap(NULL) releases the rendering context.Add al_set_target_backbuffer as a convenience.Remove al_set_current_display.Give each bitmap its own transformation, i.... �.You can free download Allegro Stable / Unstable from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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Allegro Stable / Unstable


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