
This page displays all CamPermanent versions from Softpedia
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All CamPermanent versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 2.1 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-23-02
Download CamPermanent CamPermanent

CamPermanent Description

CamPermanent is a handy and performant application which can record and detect motion from IP cameras, webcams and additional video devices.Record from all connected cameras permanent 24 hours 7 days a week. Each video could be adjusted in size or record length. Additional there is a network server client functionality to send the video from all cameras from one server PC to all connected client PCs. The number of cameras is not restricted. For professional and privat surveillance purposes there is a built-in motion detector which has numerous functions. You could select which areas of the video are tested for motion, in which time range, on which days, in which intervals etc. The functions which are started at detection are: video recording, picture capturing, external program execution, sound playing, FTP transfer, email sending and more! Additional there is a scheduler working for all further video demands. The scheduler works in all selectable time ranges and intervals, with so many functions, that every demand is fulfilled. All cameras and all functions are working simultaneous! Easily could the video picture of all cameras be uploaded to a webpage, or all Netcams within a company's LAN could work as a surveillance system with permanent video recording and viewing parallel. For example you can generate for each day a new record which contains the whole day! Addtional CamUniversal has an integrated webserver! So you could easily view all cameras live by simple HTTP request in your webpage. The webserver makes it possible to control the program from remote. The integrated media viewer and the external player completes the package! Multiple languages are supported (english, german, spain, french, italian, turkish, danish, polski, chinese). Here are some key features of "CamPermanent":Media Viewer:With the integrated Media Viewer you could view the captured pictures and videos from your harddrive. You could delete files, create and delete directories.AVI Creator:With the integrated AVI Creator you can generate videos from single images. For example you can capture single images from your camera every 30sec. through the whole day and create a video from all images showing the day in fast motion. Or you can observe the sky, capture an image every minute and generate a video showing the movement of the clouds!Video Network:The video network is used to transfer the camera picture from all video client PCs to the video server and backwards. You have to run at least two instances of CamPermanent (CamLAN or CamUniversal) on two PCs to use the video network.Picture Capture:All pictures could be captured in different formats ( JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF ).The picture resolution could be the original resolution or a custom resolution.The picture could be colored, grayscale, black & white, with time, date or text output, with an overly logo image, with transparency or not. The picture filename could be built from a custom selected text, the current time, the current date and/or a number!Standard Video Record:CamPermanent uses the DirectShow component of DirectX for the standard video recording. So you could use all in your system installed video and audio codecs and all installed video and audio devices for the video recording.Additional CamPermanent supports a timestamp into the video. This timestamp could be the current time/date a usertext and additional a logo bitmap.This standard video recording generates AVI video files in contrast to the permanent video recording which generates video files in a proprietary format! But these videos could also be converted into AVI.Introduction to DirectShow:Microsoft DirectShow is an architecture for streaming media on the Microsoft Windows platform. DirectShow provides for high-quality capture and playback of multimedia streams. It supports a wide variety of formats, including Advanced Systems Format (ASF), Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG), Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI), MPEG Audio Layer-3 (MP3), and WAV sound files. It supports capture from digital and analog devices based on the Windows Driver Model (WDM) or Video for Windows. DirectShow is integrated with other DirectX technologies. It automatically detects and uses video and audio acceleration hardware when available, but also supports systems without acceleration hardware. Requirements:Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Limitations:There are maximal 2 cameras possible. The maximal motion detection running time is restricted to 15 minutes. The maximal permanent recording time is restricted to 15 minutes. The maximal scheduler running time is restricted to 15 minutes. The video length is restricted to 15 minutes. What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]Support of high resolution mjpeg streamsParallel processing improvements �.You can free download CamPermanent from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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