
This page displays all AllPlayer versions from Softpedia
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All AllPlayer versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 5.6
  • File size: 41.7 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-31-07
Download ALLPlayer ALLPlayer

ALLPlayer Description

All-round multimedia players are not a rare sight these days. The things that make the difference are usually small innovations specific for each software of this kind.Among the applications that are designed to handle video, graphic and audio files in almost any format, ALLPlayer brings to the table something special and judging by the feature list, it deserves at least a closer look.ALLPlayer comes with an 'IQ Text' function that immediately attracts attention because it is supposed to do a very useful thing, namely keep longer subtitles on the screen for a few more seconds so you can read every single word.During our tests it worked as advertised so we can confirm that this is indeed a great feature. It works based on a simple principle: it analyzes the length of each line and keeps them on screen a bit longer if necessary.The list of supported formats is impressive and it ranges from the most familiar media types to less common ones like 3G2 (commonly used in modern mobile phones, supported by a few players), AMV (video file format developed for portable players) or DIB (video format in which videos can be played on a Creative Zen V MP3 player and V Plus).All things considered, ALLPlayer is an application that offers top quality and a solid feature package which, coupled with a great ease of use, can make it one of the recommended choices for all users. �.You can free download ALLPlayer from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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