Carambis Cleaner

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All Carambis Cleaner versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Carambis Cleaner

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version:
  • File size: 18 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-30-08
Download Carambis Cleaner Carambis Cleaner

Carambis Cleaner Description

After some usage time, your computer might show signs of weakness due to various residue files left from uninstalling programs or other events. These tent to pile up and can significantly affect the computer's performance. Luckily, applications such as Carambis Cleaner come equipped with a set of tools that aim to clean the system and make it as good as new.Intuitive and visually appealing interfaceUpon launching the application you are greeted by a modern and well-designed interface. Several details are displayed regarding your computer's health status and amount of cleaned space, as well as last time the machine was scanned.Clean system, registries and browser filesOne of the first things you might consider doing is running a cleaning process, which can be triggered for browsers, registries and system. Depending on your selection, amount of space on your hard disk drive and PC condition, the overall process can take a little while.Files that slow down your computer are displayed in a list along with details regarding the amount of space you can save, with the possibility to select only the files you consider need to be deleted. Once this is done, you are taken back to the main screen in case you want to use other tools.Multiple tools to work withThese can be found in the lower side and can help you remove duplicate files, uninstall programs, permanently delete files, or manage startup items. These get the job properly done, with a decent list algorithms to use for removing files.One feature that's missing and would have proven quite useful is an implemented scheduler to have your system scanned and cleaned periodically or when the computer is idle. On the other hand, the application performed well in our tests, with little system resources used, thus being available to a large variety of configurations.In conclusionAll things considered, Carambis Cleaner is a suitable alternative for more powerful applications of its kind. It manages to give your system a little extra boost in efficiency, with more cleaning options all wrapped up in a pretty package that is easy to use by anyone, regardless of experience. �.You can free download Carambis Cleaner from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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