Portable Revo Uninstaller

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All Portable Revo Uninstaller versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Portable Revo Uninstaller

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 1.95
  • File size: 2.9 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-05-07
Download Portable Revo Uninstaller Portable Revo Uninstaller

Portable Revo Uninstaller Description

Those who use more than one computer on a regular basis are aware of the advantages of relying on portable applications. When such an app is an uninstaller solution, the benefits multiply: not only can users enjoy a familiar utility on any PC they operate, but they can also safely remove installed programs without adding more traces to the Windows registry. Portable Revo Uninstaller is such an utility, offering both novices and experts the possibility to remove all the traces left by uninstalled programs.Besides making sure that no file is left behind, this software has the advantage of being carried on a USB flash drive and be launched on any host, without requiring any additional device. The benefit of using Portable Revo Uninstaller instead of the default Windows solution is that the former also searches for registry entries and remnant files, while the latter relies exclusively on the uninstaller provided by the software in question.Portable Revo Uninstaller can also be used to manage the startup items, the programs that launch as soon as the computer is opened. This way, one can get an overview of all the apps, and disable the ones that are not required, thus freeing up RAM and speeding up the PC start.Another feature included in Portable Revo Uninstaller is erasing the tracks left by various browsers or software, such as Microsoft Office – this action is also meant to speed up the computer and optimize its performance. When cleaning the junk files from their computers, users will have the chance of excluding various files from the scan while specifying other ones that need to be analyzed. This selection is better performed by experts since beginners might overlook important file formats.To sum it up, Portable Revo Uninstaller can improve the performance of a computer and cleaning the Windows registry without much effort on the user's side. �.You can free download Portable Revo Uninstaller from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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