Mancala 2000

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All Mancala 2000 versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Mancala 2000

  • OS:
  • Version: 1.3.2
  • File size: 8.35 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-21-03
Download Mancala 2000 Mancala 2000

Mancala 2000 Description

Mancala 2000 is based on the ancient game Bao (known later as Mancala), first played in East Africa. Mancala is played by many tribes throughout Africa, most of whom play their own slightly different variation and have their own special name for it such as: Wari, Warri, Ware, Walle, Awari, Aware, Awaoley, Awele, Oware, Owari, or Wouri. Names of Mancala games are generic referring to all Mancala games in a particular region rather than a particular variant. These names include Bao, Soro (Choro or Solo), Mangola, Gabata, Mulabalaba, Ayo and Sadeqa. Of course these can refer to specific Mancala variants, too.The best known Mancala games are Ayo from Nigeria and Wari which is played without much variation across West Africa and much of the greater Caribbean area. There are several main ways that Mancala games differ from one another. Most obviously the number of rows on the board differentiates Mancala games into three sorts - two rank, three rank and four rank Mancala.Oware board, from Ghana. Oware is an internationally popular two-rank Mancala game. This board, from the author's collection, was used in the first"Mind Games Olympiad"in London, 1997. In Uganda, they play Omweso, a four-rank game of some skill. The Mancala board is typical of a Ugandan board while the other board is more ornate folding up to show a carved elephant and give a carrying handle. The Mancala game pieces are Empiki seeds. These come from the Omuyiki tree and are light but very hard. The Sri Lankans play a Mancala game called"Olinda Kaliya"which uses Indian Style laps. The characteristic seeds used for the game, bright scarlet with black tips, are from the Olinda bush. Here are some key features of"Mancala 2000":· One Player vs. Computer Mancala game · Four Difficulty Levels For All Players· Two Player Mode · Different Mancala Game Graphic Themes · PC/MAC Cross-Platform Network Play Limitations:· Limited number of levels �.You can free download Mancala 2000 from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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