IBM DB2 Express-C

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All IBM DB2 Express-C versions from Softpedia sources and versions

IBM DB2 Express-C

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 10.5.400.1
  • File size: 475 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-16-09
Download IBM DB2 Express-C IBM DB2 Express-C

IBM DB2 Express-C Description

IBM DB2 Express-C is a community edition of the DB2 data server can be deployed and used in a matter of minutes in both small and large businesses environments.The application provides you with self-managing capabilities and offers some of the main features of the DB2 family: Data Studio, pureXMl, Time Travel and Compression Backup.This data server possesses both XML database and relational database management system features. IBM DB2 Express-C basically offers the same tools and functions as DB2 Express but uses more CPU resources while still remaining flexible and reliable.The database server is easy to install and deploy. Once the installation is complete, you are prompted with a screen that lets you choose whether you want to create a new sample database or update from a previous version of DB2. The sample database you create can be with SQL and XML database objects in the location of your choice. IBM DB2 Express-C provides you with a wizard that takes you through a step by step process when creating a new database. From the database setup you are able to choose more than one destination folder for your stored data. IBM DB2 Express-C is also designed to be self-sufficient. During setup, you are required to specify at least an hour a week when the database can perform automatic maintenance. The database integrates with IBM Data Studio Developer and helps manage database administration and development in a simple manner. Also, the functionality of IBM DB2 Express-C can be extended using various tools. An example for this is the DB2 Text Search or OmniFind, which helps you search for text information located within the server.If you’re looking for an easy to deploy, embed and use data server that is as flexible as well as reliable, then you should definitely consider IBM DB2 Express-C �.You can free download IBM DB2 Express-C from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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