Portable UVK /

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All Portable UVK / versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Portable UVK /

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: Beta
  • File size: 5.3 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-06-07
Download Portable UVK / Portable UVK /

Portable UVK / Description

Portable UVK is an application that enables you to perform a wide range of system maintenance tasks using a large set of intuitive tools.It offers a system booster, smart uninstaller, system immunization and repair, as well as managers for processes, memory modules and services, all of which are made available within a comprehensive and accessible interface. The ‘System Booster’ tool helps you scan your entire system registry and detect any possible errors. With it, you improve the overall performance of your operating system by finding and fixing invalid activex components, file and shell extensions, shared DLLs, application paths, uninstall entries, shortcuts and junk files. You can also use it to restore the registry but not before creating a backup for it. Moreover, it can be used to empty temporary folders, clear the browser cache and defragment the registry. The above tasks which are mentioned cover the features of many other similar products but the difference between them and Portable UVK is that ‘System Booster” is just one of the many functions it offers. You can get a lot of hassle from applications that won’t uninstall or leave traces in the system registry. With Portable UVK you can uninstall the entry properties and delete all remains of an installed application in a few simple steps. In case you're unsure of an app, the tool enables you to view virus scan reports for it and search for online information about it.Truthfully speaking, Portable UVK offers a very large amount of functions, scans, managers and miscellaneous tools that have the sole purpose of helping you keep your system balanced. But having this much freedom over the use of system files can do just the opposite if you’re not careful. In closing, Portable UVK is by all means a powerful and efficient tool that can offer you a great deal of support when it comes to performing maintenance on your operating system. �.You can free download Portable UVK / from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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