sliceOmatic 5.0

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All sliceOmatic 5.0 versions from Brothersoft sources and versions

sliceOmatic 5.0

  • OS: Windows 7/Vista/XP
  • Version: Rev-2b
  • File size: 35.53MB
  • Date Added: 2013-25-10
Download sliceOmatic 5.0 sliceOmatic 5.0

sliceOmatic 5.0 Description

sliceOmatic is a Home & Education software developed by TomoVision. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for sliceOmatic:

sliceOmatic sliceOmatic was developed for researchers in Body Composition. Its evolution is based on years of collaboration between the programmers and the researchers who use it.

SliceOmatic offers you the best segmentation process to date. Previously segmentation with MRI (Magnetic Resonance) modality was a highly labor intensive task. With sliceOmatic, morphological operators can effortlessly perform tissue segmentation. Furthermore, studies have proven that this technique is generating consistent results.


The usual tools:
SliceOmatic has, of course, all the usual tools that any good image analisys program should offer. These include tools to view the images in any direction in multiple windows, tools to filter the images, tools to measure distances, angles and surfaces on the images, and a lot more of the "basic" stuff.

SliceOmatic's Segmentation:

The process of identifying each tissue inside an image is known as "segmentation". And this is where sliceOmatic outshines the competition: its segmentation tools.

sliceOmatic balances powerful segmentation tools with a highly interactive interface, enabling you to completely control the segmentation process.

Different modalities or even different tissues within the same Slice are best segmented with different techniques. SliceOmatic makes it easy for you to use the appropriate technique for each specific task. For example, in an MRI slice of the abdomen, you may want to use mathematical morphology to segment the sub-cutaneous fat and region-growing to segment the intra abdominal fat.

sliceOmatic is a research tool:

As a researcher, analysing the images is only a means to an end. What you really want is getting accurate anatomical volumes. SliceOmatic is designed as a research tool. In addition to helping you create the great images for these "wow" slides in your presentations, it will export the surfaces and volumes of each segmented tissue in a spread-sheet compatible file.

AND MORE... �.You can free download sliceOmatic 5.0 from Brothersoft now.
Source: Brothersoft

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