DWSIM 3.2 Build

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All DWSIM 3.2 Build versions from Softpedia sources and versions

DWSIM 3.2 Build

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 5309
  • File size: 42.9 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-27-07
Download DWSIM 3.2 Build DWSIM 3.2 Build

DWSIM 3.2 Build Description

DWSIM is intended for both chemical engineering students and professional chemists, allowing them to run simulations and get a better understanding on a phenomenon. Its main advantage is that it allows them to conduct experiments and analyze data using advanced models and operations, without any cost.Aside from performing simulations, the application can generate compounds or run data regression analysis. It features multiple thermodynamic models and unit operations that you can work with, as well as a diverse range of tools for managing reactions or creating components. Some of the most popular property packages are available, such as Peng-Robinson, Chao-Seader, Grayson-Streed, Ideal Gas, UNIFAC,Soave-Redlich-Kwong, Lee-Kesler and so on. The simulator enables you to manage the material streams and design a schematic representation of the entire mechanism with the help of the rich object library. The result can be easily sent to the clipboard and pasted in other programs as and image. It features automatic error detection, customizable parameters for each item and PH calculation for all the compounds.The application enables you to view the properties of the pure component, calculate the critical point, perform hydrate calculations, as well as conduct thorough sensitivity analysis and multi-variate optimizations.DWSIM is capable of generating distillation curves petroleum characterizations and helps you create new compounds that can be used in experiments, along with the existing ones. Also, it can be used for performing data regression studies for two compounds using various thermodynamics models and methods, generating conclusive graphs that can be exported to other applications.Chemists with a bit of programming knowledge can use the built-in script editor for Lua and Python, while the report generator offers you an overview on the experiment details.All in all, DWSIM provides users with a full-featured suite for running chemical experiments in a virtual environment. It comes with all the tools necessary to help students practice on their own, while also acting as a viable educational tool that can be used in class. �.You can free download DWSIM 3.2 Build from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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