Catalina Compiler

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All Catalina Compiler versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Catalina Compiler

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 3.13
  • File size: 33.5 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-16-02
Download Catalina Compiler Catalina Compiler

Catalina Compiler Description

The Catalina Compiler was designed as a C compiler that also contains a set of C libraries and device drivers that can be used with the Parallax Propeller microcontroller. The compiler can easily run on multiple platforms and is based on the retargetable C compiler "lcc". Here are some key features of "Catalina Compiler":ANSI C compliant (C89, with some C99 features). Complete C89 library included.Floating point (32 bit IEEE 754) and rich device support.Supports programs up to 32kb on ANY propeller platform, and up to 16Mb on Propellers with XMM RAM.Full debugger support (source code and/or assembly level debugging)Supports the Code::Blocks Integrated Development Environment What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]Fixed a problem with the graphics library that caused it to not compile if spinnaker (openspin) was used. It compiled correctly if Homespun was used.Modified the CMM kernel to include relative jumps, and various other minor performance improvements. These can both improve the speed and reduce the size of CMM programs significantly.Add a new Optimizer level (level 5) which optimizes loads. This can improve the speed and reduce the size of both CMM and LMM programs significantly.Improved the performance of the PSHM primitive - this can improve the speed of both CMM and LMM programs that make intensive use of procedure calls significantly.The ALTERNATE LMM kernel is now deprecated, since the improvements in the standard LMM kernel have made it redundant. It will be removed from future releases.The combined result of the the CMM and LMM changes can reduce program size and improve program speed as follows:CMM: up to 20% size reduction, and up to 15% speed improvementLMM: u... �.You can free download Catalina Compiler from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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