Sicyon calculator

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All Sicyon calculator versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Sicyon calculator

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: Beta
  • File size: 10.5 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-02-09
Download Sicyon calculator Sicyon calculator

Sicyon calculator Description

Sicyon calculator, as the name implies, is a powerful software utility designed as an all-in-one scientific calculator that enables you to perform complex calculations and estimations of various formulas used in different branches of science. Working with this application requires extensive knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and even VBScript or JScript programming. Comprehensive and logical GUIThe interface of Sicyon calculator provides you with a friendly working environment and makes it easy to work with all its functions, even though at first glance you might feel overwhelmed by the huge number of tabs, icons and functions.Thanks to the available help document and mini-help feature, you can quickly get accustomed with the tool's layout and toggle between reduced, program or expression views. The expression view is the normal representation of the calculator, that allows you to use variables and boards. The program view comes in handy when an equation does not fit into an expression, and with this feature you can write a small piece of code that would solve the problem.Accessing the reduced view enables you to only import boards and their associated functions, without being able to use variables.Professional set of tools for calculating math expressionsBesides the basic computing functions that common hand pocket calculators provide you with, Sicyon calculator generates graphical representations in 2D or 3D form of various formulas within a predefined interval. You can specify the X, Y and Z axes coordinates for plotting the equation. Plus, the animation feature allows you to follow changes in the graph by modifying various parameters. Sicyon calculator includes some advanced features for more experienced users which include the possibility to use the application as a COM server to access a scripter or other built-in features, create database boards and append new measurement units along with different conversion rules.Extensive calculation utilityOverall, Sicyon calculator is an extremely sophisticated application composed of numerous tools which help you enhance your analytical skills no matter your profession, be it that of a researcher, mathematician, physician, chemist, developer, professor or student. �.You can free download Sicyon calculator from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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