
This page displays all iKITMovie versions from Softpedia
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All iKITMovie versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 3.2
  • File size: 97.2 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-16-03
Download iKITMovie iKITMovie

iKITMovie Description

IKITMovie is a simple and easy to navigate application tailored especially for children, in order for them to be able to create animations by loading images and sounds for each frame of the movie.Simple interfaceAlthough very brightly colored and with large buttons, the interface seems rather basic and rigid.No customization can be done to the user interface, every small window of the program being in a fixed position.Another inconvenient feature is that IKITMovie automatically becomes maximized, making it look a little distorted on large wide screens.Frame visualization and output movie previewIKITMovie displays every frame of the movie in a scrollable list, so you can always check what image was assigned to each frame.Also, at any time, you can preview all the images sequentially, along with the sound effects or the recorded voice-over. When animating sequential frames, you can preview the next image over the current one, thanks to a feature called Onion Skin, which makes the whole process more fluent.Custom sound effects and musicEven though IKITMovie has a library of thousands of sound effects, you can load your own to be added to the movie. You can also use your own music and, much like capturing images with your webcam, you can also record your own voice with a microphone, in order to use it in the animation.Complex background actionAdding a background to your animation will make it look like the action takes place in a more natural setup.Adding a video as a background will make your movie look a lot more lively, giving the impression of moving and making your animation complete.ConclusionIKITMovie, although simple and easy to use, is a powerful application that will allow you to create complex animation projects, with realistic sound and video effects, movie backgrounds and your own soundtrack. �.You can free download iKITMovie from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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