
This page displays all Evernote2Onenote versions from Softpedia
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All Evernote2Onenote versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 156 KB
  • Date Added: 2014-08-08
Download Evernote2Onenote Evernote2Onenote

Evernote2Onenote Description

Evernote2Onenote is intended for situations when you decide to switch from Evernote to Microsoft Onenote and use the latter as your favorite note management application. Its goal is to help you quickly and easily transfer all your Evernote notebooks to Onenote.Copy notebooks from Evernote to Onenote Both Evernote and Onenote are reliable and feature-rich applications that allow data exporting and importing, but not directly from one to the other. Evernote2Onenote comes to the rescue, saving you the time required in order to manually copy notes from Evernote to Microsoft's application.When it comes to using Evernote2Onenote, simplicity is the word of the day. The only catch is that both Evernote and Onenote must already be installed on your system and you must be logged in to Evernote to grant it access to your notebooks. In order for the application to work properly, Onenote must be closed, but Evernote can be opened.Minimalistic look and ease of useThe main window of Evernote2Onenote has a clean layout, displaying a minimalistic set of options, so beginners should have no difficulty using it. The program is capable of automatically detecting the all your notebooks, displaying them in a drop-down list. The contained notes are not displayed, which means that you can only transfer entire notebooks and not individual notes.Your only task is to select the notebook to transfer and press the 'Start Import' button. The application proceeds to extracting and parsing the notes from Evernote and then importing them one by one to Onenote. Quick note transfer from Evernote to Onenote Evernote2Onenote is the go-to solution when you want to quickly export data from Evernote and import it in Onenote, without having to deal with complicated options and wizards. Its processing speed is impressive and the operation is complete in more or less time, depending on the notebook's size (during our tests, it took a few seconds for a notebook with 25 notes). �.You can free download Evernote2Onenote from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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