
This page displays all HandyChordsLite versions from Softpedia
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All HandyChordsLite versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 17.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-02-08
Download HandyChordsLite HandyChordsLite

HandyChordsLite Description

Learning to play an instrument is no easy task, and it cannot simply be learned with a lot of study and no practice. Because anyone that plays an instrument has its own style, it is quite difficult to learn from them without trying to develop your own play style.HandyChordsLite is a intuitive piece of software that can help you learn to play a chord instrument, by displaying tabulations and the hand positioning for each instrument.Educational and fun to use toolThe application can help you learn how to play a certain instrument, by displaying a musical note’s name and chord layout, as well as the positioning of the hand on the instrument you are trying to master. This way, you are able to learn how a certain note is played and, by studying all of them, you can start composing songs and music sheets.Intuitive music composerHandyChordsLite provides you with sound recordings of each note, so that you get an idea on how your playing should be heard. In this manner, after mastering your instrument, you will be able to distinguish a songs music sheet just by hearing it.Furthermore, you can compose your own songs, by weaving a sequence of notes. By transposing each note to match your voice tone, you can create astonishing music sheets. This is one of the handiest feature of the application, as each sound note can be played and switched on your composition.An overall good virtual music teacherTo conclude, HandyChordsLite provides you with an intuitive learning environment in which you are tutored how to play your instrument step by step, both by audio and visual ways. Because the program specializes only in chord instrument and the way they should be played, the addition of other musical tools would significantly increase its usability. �.You can free download HandyChordsLite from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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