
This page displays all HandyChords versions from Softpedia
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All HandyChords versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 31.1 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-02-08
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HandyChords Description

Learning to play a musical instrument can take quite some time, depending on how much you practice, although this is not always enough, since most begin mastering an instrument using music sheets and tabs. Based on these premises, HandyChords was developed to help you achieve the goal of mastering the piano, guitar or any other similar chord instrument. Versatile music sheet maker that explains note layoutThe application allows you to see how a musical note is played on various instruments, by displaying explanatory images with both the tab representation of that specific note, as well as the hand positioning on the instrument you are trying to play that music note. By doing so, the program helps you practice both instrument etiquette and the ability to follow a tab or a music sheet.Furthermore, you are able to play each note, which is different for every instrument that you are practicing on. This way, you can hear the correct sound output of a note, and adjust your instrument and hand position in order to play it accurately.Fun to use and handy music composerHandyChords can help you play a multitude of instruments, such as the piano, guitar, bass, ukulele, banjo, mandolin and balalaika, this covering most handheld chord instruments. You can compose a music sheet and play it on any of them.This is probably one of the most useful feature of the program, as you can try to weave some notes on a sheet, then play them on the instrument of your choice. In addition, you can swap or change notes anytime, if you think that the final sheet will sound better.An overall powerful virtual music teacherAll in all, HandyChords is ideal for trying to master a musical chord instrument, by supplying you with both tabs for each music sheet and their sound representation when played on a certain instrument. �.You can free download HandyChords from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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