This page displays all GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer versions from Softpedia
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All GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Version:
  • File size: 3.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-02-09
Download GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer

GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer Description

GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer is a software application whose purpose is to aid people in analyzing and managing their network bandwidth, as well as in viewing some information about your system. Easy-to-use GUIYou are required to go through a quick and surprise-free installation process, while the interface you come by encompasses a modern and minimalistic design. It encloses a pretty well-organized layout, since it contains a navigation panel and another pane which lets you view the selected information. In addition to that, comprehensive and well-drawn Help contents are included by the developers, which ensure that all types of users, including those with little or no previous experience with computers, can easily work with GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer. Customizable profiles you can useThis tool enables you to administer and set up network packets priorities, so that you can play a game, navigate the Internet or stream information without creating any kind of issues. In this regard, it comes packed with four modes you can take advantage of, namely “Game,” “Stream,” “Browser” and “Auto.”Each of these methods can be customized from the advanced panel, by speeding up the response time, enabling or disabling the TCP delay or by activating a feature which automatically detects bandwidth. System information at your disposal and managing apps In addition to that, this utility enables you to see a list of all the programs which require Internet, and lets you change their priority, block them or input download and upload speed limits. Information about your system is available in a different tab, enclosing details such as the type of processor, network card, amount of memory, graphics card and operating system you have, as well as the current CPU usage and connection status. A final assessment The computer’s performance is not going to be affected by GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer, while all tasks are going to be completed in a timely manner. Taking all of this into consideration, we can safely say this piece of software is quite efficient, and it is suitable to both power and novice users. We did not discover any kind of issues in our tests, such as errors, crashes or hangs. �.You can free download GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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