
This page displays all MultiPing versions from Softpedia
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All MultiPing versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows All
  • Version: 3.00.1
  • File size: 3.8 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-09-08
Download MultiPing MultiPing

MultiPing Description

In order to measure the response time of a web address on the Internet, you can perform a ping operation, which sends a few bytes of data back and forth between you and the desired host. Thus, by measuring the time it took for the packets to arrive back, you can find out the ping of the IP address in question.Monitor multiple addresses at onceMultiPing is a software solution designed to simplify the overall ping process, as well as offer you the possibility to continuously perform the operation on the desired targets. In addition, you can keep an eye on multiple addresses at the same time, while also viewing a graph depicting the response time history for the last few minutes.As you might expect, in order to start pinging an address, you must first enter it into the designated field. Thus, if you choose to ping a website, you can just enter its URL directly and the application takes care of the rest. The utility also displays the IP address of the selected webpage, as well as the DNS name and the average response time.Create custom alerts and alarmsSince the main function of the application is to let you monitor multiple targets at the same time, it can be easily used to keep an eye on your server uptime, by tracking the activity of your hosts. Hence, MultiPing allows you to setup alerts, which come into play when certain conditions are met, in order to notify you about possible problems.Beside the name, you can also choose the desired alert method. You can either select to be alerted whenever high latency and packet loss are detected, or when the IP address of the host changes. In addition, you can specify the number of samples to examine, as well as whether to launch an executable, send an email or play a sound whenever an alert is triggered.An efficient ping tool for webmastersThanks to the useful graph visualization and the ability to monitor a large number of targets at the same time, MultiPing is a handy utility to have around, especially if you need to handle multiple servers and websites and you want to be kept aware of their response times. In addition, the simple and intuitive interface allows you to easily take advantage of what the application has to offer, without putting any strain on your system. �.You can free download MultiPing from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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