
This page displays all FreeHotspotRouter versions from Softpedia
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All FreeHotspotRouter versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows 7
  • Version: 4.0
  • File size: 1.2 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-07-08
Download FreeHotspotRouter FreeHotspotRouter

FreeHotspotRouter Description

Internet hotspots are becoming increasingly popular since the number of wireless enabled mobile devices has risen over the years. Today, a small cafe or a business can benefit from offering a Wi-Fi connection to their clients or employees.The simplest way in which you can create a hotspot using your personal computer is to connect a Wi-Fi adapter to it and then use a piece of software such as FreeHotspotRouter to generate the wireless network.Create a hotspot and share your Internet connectionFreeHotspotRouter is a lightweight utility which enables you to generate and provide a wireless Internet connection to any device that is in the Wi-Fi adapter’s proximity. With it you are able to create an SSID password encrypted network which only you and others with the key are able to access. Easy to configure wireless networkFreeHotspotRouter displays a more than comprehensive interface which makes it accessible to people with all levels of computer experience. To successfully create a hotspot you only need to know the basics of what a wireless connection implies. You first have to connect the wireless adapter to your computer and then run the application. As far as settings go, there’s nothing in FreeHotspotRouter that can give you a headache. All you have to do is provide the SSID, which will be the name of the hotspot, add a security key and then click one button to generate the network. For added simplicity, you can set the application to remember the key, choose the connection type, its refresh interval and you can even have FreeHotspotRouter run immediately after you logon to your Windows account.View the devices that are connected to your hotspotFreeHotspotRouter also provides a feature which enables you to see the devices which are using your Wi-Fi network. In a small section of the main window you can view the names of the devices along with their IP and MAC addresses. Generate a hotspot anywhere you wantTo sum things up, FreeHotspotRouter is by all means a simple, effective and reliable tool for those moments when you need to grant Internet access to a number of people using basic equipment. �.You can free download FreeHotspotRouter from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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