
This page displays all AuditAxon versions from Softpedia
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All AuditAxon versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 1.3 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-08-01
Download AuditAxon AuditAxon

AuditAxon Description

AuditAxon is a reliable and effective software solution developed in order to provide you with a quick and easy means of scanning all the computers in a SNMP network and discover the programs installed on each machine.The utility is fairly simple to work, its only requirement being an enabled SNMP service on all the targeted computers. AuditAxon has two different functioning modes, enabling you to choose whichever you prefer.First, you have the option of scanning your network using a previously defined IP address range. In this case, AuditAxon will locate and determine the connected machines, returning a variety of information about each detected system, such as hardware details, including the memory and the disk names or size. The alternative is to manually add a single machine's IP address and its community parameter, then allow AuditAxon to scan and retrieve the relevant data about the PC.The main function of the application is to discover the various tools and software utilities installed on each computer, allowing you to set their 'License' status as one of the available options: 'To Be agreed', 'Purchased', 'Missing' or 'Free', each corresponding to a different situation. With this simple tool, you can easily determine the status of all the machines in your SNMP network and track their software license status, so you know how to handle each one individually or which needs you to purchase a registration key. Moreover, AuditAxon enables you to generate reports comprising all the returned information, allowing you to export them to various formats, namely XML, XLS or PDF.As a conclusion, AuditAxon is a useful application that can assist you in determining the license status of all the computer software in your network, aimed specifically at SNMP-enabled PCs, letting you keep track of any occurring changes. �.You can free download AuditAxon from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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