Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker

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All Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 8.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2013-25-05
Download Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker

Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker Description

As the name of this piece of software implies, Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker allows you to create ringtones for your iPhone device (M4R). It supports several file types, including AVI, MP4, MOV, MPG, MP3, WAV and WMA.The interface of the tool is plain and easy to work with. You can import an item by using either the file browser or 'drag and drop' function. Unfortunately, you cannot process multiple files in a single session.So, you can preview the audio stream in a built-in player and mark the start and end time values. Once you establish the output filename and location, you can proceed with the conversion procedure.In addition, you can make the app automatically export the song to iTtunes or to your iPhone when the task is done. Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker also allows you to adjust the fade in effect and volume level, as well as to play the selection in the built-in player.The audio processing program needs a moderate amount of CPU and system resources, in order to finish a task quickly (considering the 10-second limitation of the demo version). It has a good response time and includes a help file. We have not come across any issues during our tests but Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker incorporates limited features. For example, you cannot set the tool to open the output directory when the task is done. �.You can free download Bigasoft iPhone Ringtone Maker from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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