Pazera FLAC to MP3

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All Pazera FLAC to MP3 versions from Brothersoft sources and versions

Pazera FLAC to MP3

  • OS: Windows 8/7/Vista/2003/XP/2008
  • Version: 1.0
  • File size: 7.85MB
  • Date Added: 2013-04-12
Download Pazera FLAC to MP3 Pazera FLAC to MP3

Pazera FLAC to MP3 Description

Pazera FLAC to MP3 is a MP3 & Audio software developed by Jacek Pazera. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for Pazera FLAC to MP3:

Brothersoft Editor: Pazera FLAC to MP3 is a free program that converts FLAC files (Free Lossless Audio Codec) to MP3 or WAV format. In addition, the program allows you to extract audio tracks from audio files based on the CUE sheet. CUE files are often attached to the Audio CD images created by programs like EAC (Exact Audio Copy), CDRWIN, CUERipper.

To convert audio streams to MP3 the application uses the latest version of the LAME encoder. The program supports encoding with a constant bit rate - CBR, average BitRate - ABR and variable bit rate - VBR (LAME presets). Metadata (tags) from the source FLAC and CUE files are copied to the output MP3 files.

The most important features

- Converting FLAC files to MP3 or WAV.
- CUE Splitter - Extract audio tracks from the Audio CD images into MP3 or WAV files based on the CUE sheet.
- Supported character encoding in CUE files: ANSI, ASCII, UTF-8 Little Endian, UTF-8 Big Endian, UTF-16 Little Endian, UTF-16 Big Endian.
- Supported input formats of audio files defined in the CUE sheets: FLAC, WAV, MP3, APE, SHN, WV, TTA, MPC, OGG, WMA.
- MP3 compression using the latest version of the LAME encoder.
- Support for all the LAME encoder presets.
- Copying metadata (tags) from FLAC and CUE files to the generated MP3 files.
- A number of predefined conversion profiles. Possibility to save your own settings to an INI file.
- The ability to customize encoding parameters: bitrate mode (CBR, ABR, VBR), audio bitrate, audio sampling frequency, number of audio channels, volume, time range.
- The ability to save encoder commands to BAT file.
- Adding files to the file list by Drag and Drop.
- The program is portable: it does not use system registry and all settings are stored in INI files. Thus, the program can be run from portable devices such as pendrives, removable drives.
- The program has a built-in support for multiple languages. Current version supports English, Greek, Japanese, Polish. �.You can free download Pazera FLAC to MP3 from Brothersoft now.
Source: Brothersoft

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