
This page displays all NxFilter-Cloud versions from Softpedia
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All NxFilter-Cloud versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 2.2.3
  • File size: 10.4 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-17-09
Download NxFilter-Cloud NxFilter-Cloud

NxFilter-Cloud Description

NxFilter-Cloud is a comprehensive and reliable software solution that was developed to provide you with a method of tracking the Internet activity occurring in your network and block certain websites from being accessed.Practical and intuitive usageThe program features a fairly simple and straightforward setup process, but bear in mind that it resorts to a browser-based interface, meaning you need to have a web browser installed on your system in order to work with NxFilter-Cloud.Once complete, you can run the application from the created shortcut or you can input the default URL ‘http://localhost/admin’ into the address bar, then enter the default ‘admin / admin’ credentials.In terms of privileges, the admin holds the highest position, as he can create operator accounts; in their turn, operators can create user accounts, even create and manage individual policies.Swiftly configure and manage your own cloud web-filtersNxFilter-Cloud informs you of the traffic and block trends for the monitored network in two distinct graphs, while by accessing the various sections at the top of the window (‘Config’, ‘Operator’, ‘Category’, ‘Whitelist’, ‘Logging’), you can define the functioning preferences for your application.The ‘Operator’ tab enables you to add new operators to your list and edit their username and password, policy, whitelisted domains and free-time intervals. From the ‘Whitelist’ section, you can allow access to certain domains or keywords.The ‘Config’ component of NxFilter-Cloud lets you determine the administrator name and password, the email alert settings and the allowed IP addresses. Similarly, you can run backup operations for the current configuration or you can deal with redirections. You also have the possibility of blocking a certain page and display a preferred message whenever it is accessed.Moreover, NxFilter-Cloud offers Active Directory integration over the cloud, Dynamic IP updater, as well as the possibility to rebrand and customize the user interface, from the '/nxfilter/webapps' section, so it can fully meet your requirements.A reliable cloud-based web filtering toolIn conclusion, NxFilter-Cloud is a highly complex and very efficient program that makes use of your web browser to help you monitor and manage Internet activity in your network, or create operators which can configure their own accounts however they please and you permit. �.You can free download NxFilter-Cloud from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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