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All XOWA versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: Beta
  • File size: 45 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-14-09
Download XOWA XOWA

XOWA Description

XOWA is an application that can help you download content from Wikipedia and transfer it to your computer for offline reading and editing.It’s an open source tool that displays a comprehensive interface, similar to that of the actual website. Right from the start, when you open the application for the first time, you notice that it provides reading, editing and HTML viewing capabilities.With it you can open Wikimedia data dump files and download images and other types of formats. It works with Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource and Wikiquote while also offering support for Wikipedia in other languages.In XOWA, everything is placed in plain sight so you have quick and easy access to all the tools you need. And speaking of, the application allows you to keep and view a history of all the visited wikis, add bookmarks, as well as import items from lists or scripts.To edit a Wiki page all you have to do is locate it using the application's search function then go to the ‘Edit’ tab and start changing whatever you need. XOWA offers you a text editor that comes with all the functions you need to create an accurate Wikipedia entry. You can emboss text or convert it to italic, add internal links, headlines and bullets. When you finish with the article update, you can keep all the modifications by simply giving the save command.XOWA is an application that reveals its potential throughout its use and only gets more practical and pleasant. One of the few things that might get to you is the time it takes to download the files from Wikipedia. But then again, you’re looking at large files with huge amounts of information and not to mention that you’re only downloading them once.With the above to consider and much more to discover about XOWA, because it is a complex piece of software after all, you can definitely find hours upon hours of lecture and enjoy adding or removing content. �.You can free download XOWA from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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