CopyTrans Manager

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All CopyTrans Manager versions from Softpedia sources and versions

CopyTrans Manager

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1.008
  • File size: 8.8 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-10-09
Download CopyTrans Manager CopyTrans Manager

CopyTrans Manager Description

CopyTrans Manager is a powerful, yet simple-to-use application that allows you to manage music and movies on your iPod, iPad or iPhone without the need to install iTunes, providing a very effective way to transfer data on the device, delete files and edit their properties.Portability advantagesInstallation is not necessary, which makes CopyTrans Manager portable. It means that you can save it to a custom location on the disk and just click its executable to launch it, as well as copy it to a pen drive or other removable storage device, in order to run it on any PC directly. Plus, it does not create new entries in the Windows registry or Start menu, thus leaving the disk clean after removal.However, the app requires a specific driver in order to run and it offers to download and install in case it's not already set up on the disk.Clean and intuitive interfaceThe GUI consists of a simple window with an easy-to-navigate structure, where the media files from the iOS device are immediately shown at startup, enabling you to examine various information, including play count and rating for each item.Preview, add, edit and delete media filesIt is possible to preview audio and video tracks in a built-in player, edit their tags to fill in missing information or correct existing details, add or change cover art, assign lyrics, immediately identify and remove duplicates to free up space, use a search function when dealing with large amounts of data, as well as to remove tracks from the Apple device library. New files can be imported into the library via the tree view or drag-and-drop feature.Evaluation and conclusionWe have not come across any issues in our tests, since CopyTrans Manager did not hang, crash or pop up error messages. It has a good response time and copies files rapidly while remaining light on system resources. All in all, this piece of software comes in handy to all users looking for an iTunes alternative that sports only the essential features for managing media on iOS devices. �.You can free download CopyTrans Manager from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

CopyTrans Manager

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 1.007
  • File size: 8.9 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-24-08
Download CopyTrans Manager CopyTrans Manager

CopyTrans Manager Description

CopyTrans Manager is a powerful application that allows you to manage your iPod without the need to install iTunes, providing a very effective way to transfer data on the device.In essence an advanced iPod manager, CopyTrans Manager relies on a very clean and straightforward interface that displays the iPod content, including songs and playlists, albums and artists.Thanks to this well-organized appearance, users are able to transfer music and video files with just a few clicks, while drag and drop support is also included.To make sure you're on the safe side all the time, CopyTrans Manager also boasts an eject tool to let you safely disconnect the iPod once you're done with copying files.Everything's pretty easy to use, but there's also an online help manual to lend you a hand in case there's something wrong with the application. It should all work like a charm but, if CopyTrans Manager isn't able to detect your iPod, check the drivers first and then the application.Of course, it's recommended to use the latest version of the application, but in most cases communication errors are blocking the iPod from being accessed by the program.It's pretty obvious that CopyTrans Manager needs just a minimum amount of resources to work properly and runs flawlessly, which makes it more or less an ideal iTunes alternative.All things considered, CopyTrans Manager is the tool you need if you're still struggling with sync problems in iTunes. This application does almost the same thing as the famous Apple software solution; it makes everything so easy to use that even the very beginners can enjoy all its features. �.You can free download CopyTrans Manager from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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