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All Bacchantis versions from Softpedia sources and versions


  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version:
  • File size: 3.9 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-15-09
Download Bacchantis Bacchantis

Bacchantis Description

If you are one of the numerous people all over the world who truly appreciate wine and who likes to taste and evaluate as many types as possible, then you might need a dedicated software solution for cataloging all your wine types or the tasting impressions. Bacchantis is one such application, suitable for virtually organizing your cellar and sort the bottles by type, region or appellation.Before getting Bacchantis to work on your PC, you need to make sure you have .NET Framework 4.0 or higher installed on your computer.The graphic interface of the utility is highly intuitive and you can rely on the sample database so as to explore all the functions of Bacchantis and get to evaluate them easier.For each wine in your collection, you get to specify the vineyard, owner and country, along with the region, the appellation, color, bottle size and peak year. You can also enter the financial value for each wine, so as to get an overview of how valuable your cellar really is. Furthermore, you can also catalog your tasting experiences, by specifying the date and the tasted quality, while also entering the side dish, the guests and comments. You can assign a rating for each tasting, which can come in useful in the future.Bacchantis can also help you generate a wide range of charts regarding the wine in your cellar - as such, you can generate pie charts and bar graphs to represent the cellar contents allocation by color, country, region, appellation or vintage, then save the charts to the clipboard and paste them in your preferred graphic editor, then save them.To wrap it up, Bacchantis can prove a valuable tools for all wine enthusiasts out there who want to organize all the items in their cellar. A license will need to be purchased by all those looking to use the full feature-set of the application. �.You can free download Bacchantis from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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