Infinite Geometry

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All Infinite Geometry versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Infinite Geometry

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Version: 2.02
  • File size: 40.3 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-10-08
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Infinite Geometry Description

Worksheets and assignments involving mathematical formulas and graphs can be quite time consuming when they are done manually, due to the large amount of details involved in their creation. In addition, the task gets even more complicated if you want to personalize them or include different question sets.Quickly generate worksheets and add pre-made subjectsInfinite Geometry is a software utility designed to lend you a helping hand in the creation of geometry assignments and worksheets, by allowing you to quickly add and generate question sets regarding a wide variety of subjects. The available question sets can be either multiple choice-based, or allow the students to freely write their answers.As far as the number of possible exercises, the applications provides you with more than enough options, each one with multiple difficulty levels, the complexity of which can be manually changed according to your necessities. In addition, you can also customize the text body of every question, although the values are not editable. Despite that, the utility is able to quickly generate more samples with random values.Choose subjects from different categories and print the resultsIn order to bring variety to the assignments, you can choose from a wide variety of categories, involving angle calculations, congruence and geometry-related equations. Each category holds a hefty number of possible question sets, which in turn can be automatically generated from the provided samples.After the worksheets are completed, they can be personalized with the desired names, dates and headings, as well as saved to your computer for future use. As expected, they can also be printed on paper, so that you can easily distribute them to your students. The printing options allow you to include the answers as well and variate the copies by scrambling the multiple choice questions.In conclusionThanks to the extensive list of available question sets and the ability to scramble, randomize and generate the sheets, Infinite Geometry offers you a quick and reliable way of creating quizzes and assignments for your students. Moreover, you can easily navigate around the application and make use of its functions, thanks to the intuitive and easy-to-use interface. �.You can free download Infinite Geometry from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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