Total Watermark

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All Total Watermark versions from Softpedia sources and versions

Total Watermark

  • OS: Windows 2K
  • Version: 1.3.720
  • File size: 8.2 MB
  • Date Added: 2014-30-08
Download Total Watermark Total Watermark

Total Watermark Description

Total Watermark is an important tool in protecting your images with copyrighted watermarks that make them difficult to be used without consent.The software application is easy to use, thanks to the simple, yet functional interface.Simple stepsAdding watermarks is not a difficult and time-consuming task using Total Watermark, which does everything for you and requires only a few clicks to run.To initiate the process, you need to add the picture file or folder, check whether the default watermark settings relate to your needs or not, then click "Start".The software application can crop, resize and rename the pictures for you, making sure the resulting end-file is a perfect fit.Custom watermarkThe "Watermarks" tab lets you add a text or image watermark of your own choosing.For those who really want their text watermark to be applied in style, a font can be used from the predefined list, with a custom color, and size for a cool effect.Other text effects include stroke manipulation and contour.You can play with shadow settings like angle, distance, radius, color or opacity, until the perfect protected image is generated.If a more complex watermark is what you want, then you can rotate the overlay and adjust its opacity, allowing the final touch to be edited through the "Position" field and placing the file in your preferred place.More options for youFurthermore, complex settings like export profiles, file types and metadata are available using the "Format" section which can also apply compression, jpeg quality and Grayscale.When defining the export settings, a path and default program action must be specified for existing files.After all desired options are checked, the process can be started.ConclusionTo sum up, Total Watermark is a helpful utility for users who require copyright protection for their pictures and don't have a lot of time available to use more complex programs that can apply watermarks.  �.You can free download Total Watermark from Softpedia now.
Source: Softpedia

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